• İYTE Campus Urla-İZMİR
  • +90(232) 765 90 91
  • genelmudurluk@teknoparkizmir.com
Tübitak Bigg


The main aim of TÜBİTAK Individual Young Entrepreneurship Program, abbreviated as TÜBİTAK BİGG, is to support entrepreneurs, to create technology based startups with R&D capacity for providing innovative products and services to domestic and international markets.

In order to fulfill these aims, a multi-stage program is implemented for supporting individual entrepreneurs to transform their technology and innovation-focused business ideas into enterprises. The entrepreneur can complete each stage in turn and proceed to the next stage if it is deemed appropriate by TÜBİTAK. The program is a call-based program.

At the first stage, candidate entrepreneurs apply to Implementing Agencies directly. Implementing Agencies are official interfaces accredited by TÜBİTAK and have the right to collect applications, pre-evaluate the applications, approve eligible ones and run in-house programs to turn the ideas into qualified business plans.

The program accepts applications in various fields such as Smart Transportation, Smart Manufacturing Systems, Energy and Clean Technologies, Communication and Digital Transformation, Health and Wellness, Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition. Eligible, qualified and successful applicants determined by the Implementing Agencies are submitted to TÜBİTAK for the next stage of the program.


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